i know this is normally a youtuber thing but i wanted to do this as i'm starting a youtube channel next month! c; this month had defiantly been magical and super cute but stressful die to school! i have celebrated my birthday this month which was pretty amazing and got maked-overed into a eyeliner cat which was so much fun! ^-^ i also got to feel love from amazing people (you know who you are ;D) and finally felt clean (tay tay song context c:). now i'm going to tell you what i've been loving this month! c:
lets dance into this song c:
as you can tell, i'm such a swiftie and this album 100% didn't disappoint me. this actually is my favourite album EVER! ^-^ every single song in this album is relatable (especially bad blood, shake it off, welcome to new york and new romantics) ! most || all of the songs make you want to dance and will make you feel passionate in one way or another and gives off so much about the women herself (queen) taylor swift! c:
lyrics are amazing and super effotless, they tell an amazing story which is easily relatable to and i <3 it! so lyrics is 10/10
design of album is amazingly chic, totally unique and super dream. design has to be 10/10
and finally all of the songs are just amazing + perfectly fit in place with each other which i <3 so 10/10 again! =D
love it so much
i wanted to read this book ever since it came out because of 3 reason. 1. it's by my favourite youtubers zoella ;D, 2. the cover looks amazing and super cute and 3. the book sounded amazing when she described it so i decided to read and i did and have officially fallen in love with book! c:
the story line is super sweet romantic yet amazingly unexpected, every character you read about you will get to know, adore and i don't want to ruin the story line for anyone who hasn't read the book yet but, it's 100% romantic + funny! =D this is my new favourite book so zoella, i give it a 10000/10!
♡ something more on the random side - zoella's candle - ♡

i think this candle is best lit when you have either a really annoying || bad day at school, when you feel like relaxing during a bath (using a lush bath bomb of course) or just when you having a relaxing morning. so so perfect! c:
♡ something fashion related - my fashion sketchbook ♡
i got this as christmas present from one of my mum's best friends || besties and i think it's one my favourite christmas presents i've got that isn't from my parents (because they give the best presents)! ^-^
the amazing thing is that this sketch book is so much easier to design from because the fashion design templates are so easy to follow from which means it takes me so much less time to start designing and not try to find a template. c: this means i can create outfits so much more quickly and fall in love with them! ^-^ they always look professional and so chic! c:
i know that i haven't got a lot of favourites this time but i really hope you enjoyed this post! :3
i like doing posts like these! c:
comment one of your favorites from the month of january! ^-^
Hope you enjoy this blogpost! Love from Stef xx (◕‿◕ ✿)